Windows Bitmap Graphics Files for FORTRAN (C) Copyright 1993 by Enlightened Solutions. All rights reserved. Enlightened Solutions 1503 Linda Rosa Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90041 (213) 255-3932 CIS ID: 70404,3067 This software is distributed free of charge, but is NOT released to the public domain. Please perform any modifications on a copy, and include all the originals (BMPREAD.FOR, BMPWRITE.FOR, BMP.TXT, and BMP30FMT.TXT) in any distribution, with the copyright notices intact. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source code for two FORTRAN subroutines are provided, BMPREAD and BMPWRITE, which read and write Windows device independent bitmap [DIB] graphic files, respectively. With BMPWRITE, FORTRAN programmers can now easily turn their data arrays into bitmap graphics files which can be read by numerous graphic file viewers and editors. With BMPREAD, you can read existing bitmap files and use the power of FORTRAN for image processing. Most graphic file viewers and editors can read and save files in any one of many graphics file formats, such as GIF, TIFF, JPEG, PCX, etc., making these subroutines the only bridge between raw data and graphic file standards you need. Both files have been compiled sucessfully under MS FORTRAN v5.1 and MS Powerstation FORTRAN (32 bit), although the Powerstation compiler will issue a warning stating that the [huge] attribute will be ignored, which is ok. Another file, BMP30FMT.TXT, paraphrased from a MS Knowledge Base file, describes the Windows Bitmap v3.0 format itself. Instructions for using the subroutines are included as comments in the source code. If you have any questions or comments, or would like to see more routines like this, please contact us at the address/number above.